I was so honored to be chosen as the featured artist for the showcase home by Simplicity Homes for this year's COBA '15 Tour of Homes. I created a custom 4' x 6' piece for the family room called "Anticipation", it is such a bold statement piece when you walk into the home and it's still available for purchase so contact me if you're interested! One of my stripes series paintings, "Pink Stripes #3" (36"x36" 2015) was on display in the bonus room/loft upstairs and one of my oldies, a mixed media piece called "The Path Is a Circle" (2006, NFS) was in the master bath. I also made this cute little birdie series of paintings for the show that SOLD the first weekend and will be shipping to Virginia to live in their new nest. My "I Like. Big. Leaves" painting also debuted at the showcase home, it was later shown at the Lubbesmeyer Studio for Art in the High Desert weekend and The Workhouse in Bend for my Last Saturday show and the month of October.